Aquifer Storage and Recovery Project (ASR)
Many areas of the country are experiencing increasing demands for water from population growth and the effects of extreme weather conditions such as drought and floods. Many areas are experiencing water supply shortages and declining groundwater levels in aquifers. There is a growing need to develop alternative sources of water and more innovative management strategies to meet current and future demands for water. Aquifer storage and recovery technologies (ASR) are increasingly a part of the water planning needed to address existing and new water demands. ASR is a complex and developing technology, requiring careful design and implementation to achieve desired results. There are a range of aquifer recharge issues, including storage/disposition of stormwater runoff and treated wastewater as wells as maintaining pressure in confined aquifers.
Aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) is the direct injection of surface water supplies such as potable water, reclaimed water, or river water into an aquifer for later recovery and also using recharge basin to percolate water into the aquifer. ASR has been done for municipal, industry and agriculture use.
There are many way of consturct Artificial Recharge, but we will talk about recharge basin, ponds system that easy to construct and operated in Thailand.
Groundwater recharge project standard specification ( Things to consider ).
Municipal artificial recharge project ( open system in groundwater bank term )
This recharge project is a large scale aim to replenishing excess rain water to aquifer to prevent groundwater from overdraft. The area must selected and design by qualification contractor, consultant or agency who specialist in this field. To prevent the environment effect such as groundwater contamination and soil erosion in surround area.
Before start the construction, the municipal must educated its citizen who live in the area about water shade protections program.
Project must meet regulation from the city to prevent groundwater contamination and public hearing.
The finished site must have a protection system such as fence and warning sign to prevent danger from people who live in its surrounding.
The municipal must regularly maintain the recharge pond to ensure it efficiency.​
Example of AGS Recharge Pond Station

Groundwater Recharge Technique use in Thailand

Koh Sri, Sawang Dandin, Sakornakorn goverment on Groundwater recharge project.